#Sunsynk load density high power batteries 
it's #Keith. I'm still in Warsaw. And guess what? It's raining.
It stops snowing, it's raining. (0:09) Listen, we talk about battery storage because everything is all about battery storage nowadays. (0:15) You know, I've shown this many times on the Powerhub.
(0:18) But one of the things that people understand, need to understand, is not all about price. (0:23) Price, of course, is important. But there is a huge difference on the sort of Powerhub type product.
(0:30) We've always gone for low density. Low density means, if you look at the batteries, the batteries are spaced. (0:36) You know, if you have a problem, you can remove a battery.
(0:40) One of the bigger problems is, you see here at the show, many people go for high density. (0:44) You cram as much power in the smallest possible space possible. (0:48) But, you know, the batteries, for goodness sake, they are batteries.
(0:53) And guess what? Batteries do fail. (0:54) You know, you get a problem maybe in your mobile phone, you get a problem in your laptop, you get a problem in your car. (1:00) You know, you occasionally change your car battery.
(1:02) I don't know if you're going to buy a Rolls Royce. Batteries do have a problem.(1:05) So we look on this.
We go for low density, not super high density batteries. (1:10) The beauty of this is, it's serviceable. It's not a single point sale.
(1:14) You don't just sell it once and never see it again. It's like buying a car that's got the bonnet welded shut. (1:19) You also have the break between the points.
If you have a problem, there's a fire break.(1:25) Every single battery has its own built-in extinguisher system. (1:29) But it's safe and it's serviceable.
(1:31) You're selling the product. As an installer, you've got to service it for 20 years.(1:37) You know, if you're putting some high density battery and that battery fails, a cell fails deep inside one of the units, (1:44) and then they're using, they call, the buzzword now is liquid cooling, water cooling.
(1:48) You know, I always say that I'm an old school electrical engineer. (1:53) And in my mind, we always kept water away from electric. (1:56) These got high voltages, thousand volt line, DC.
(2:00) Do you really want to put lots of pipes of water running through it and keeping it cool?(2:04) And if a battery fails, if one cell in that thing fails, what do you do? (2:10) You need to get a plumber. You need to un-plumb it. (2:13) You'll need to get a crane to be able to, because some of these battery packs are very heavy.
(2:17) You know, these little ones weigh 50 kilo.(2:21) You talk about big ones, maybe weigh one metric ton, maybe two ton, three ton, depending on the density. (2:27) Depending on the price.
The cheaper the price, the higher the density.(2:29) You've got a problem. You've got to remove it.
(2:32) So you need to get your crane outside or you may have to get the whole thing outside.(2:34) You've got to dismantle it. It is absolutely, it's not easy.
(2:38) You know, I talked to one guy, I was talking to a guy in China, a factory. (2:41) And I said to him, I said, how do you service your high density batteries? (2:45) And he said to me, he goes, hmm, it's a good question. (2:48) He said, I've wondered that myself, how people service it.
(2:51) And this is coming from a manufacturer.(2:53) So low density, you know, we don't use water. We use air cooled.
(2:57) It works fine. It's absolutely perfect for most environments. (3:01) So, you know, if you're serious about wanting a product.
(3:04) And also, you know, one thing about SunSync is we've got installations. (3:08) These things, we've got them in the field, operating, working, functioning. (3:11) We've got the best EMS and we'll do another video.
(3:15) We'll do a trailer video about the amazing features of our EMS. (3:18) But, you know, seriously consider if you're going to look for it. (3:21) Ask the question, is it low density or is it high density? (3:26) Because if you want something that's going to last you and is going to serviceable.
(3:30) And if you have a problem, remember as an installer, if a problem comes, what are you going to do? (3:36) Are you going to sell it and disappear? (3:38) Are you going to go bankrupt? (3:39) But if you want to be in for the long term and you want to support your customer, (3:43) really support your customer and don't let your customer be stuck with something that they're going to have to scrap.(3:48) Then consider, look at SunSync because we have an amazing solution. (3:53) Thanks for following us and maybe come over to Warsaw.
(3:56) And it's raining here as I said before.(3:58) Cheers.